Friday, March 30, 2007

Three sheets to the wind...

So...a funny, but true story.

Today Kelly and Elise and I went to Fuller's Brewery and took a tour! Fuller's is an independent brewing company in the UK that does quite well for itself! We learned all about how the beer is made from a nice old British man who told funny (sort of) jokes. The best part of the tour was the taste testing at the end. I believe in total we tasted 9 different beers....yum! We only tasted about a quarter pint of each of the beers (which equaled a little over 2 pints in the end), but we did this in a span of about 20 minutes. Our tour guide was running a little behind with his tours and had to speed us along in the taste testing part. Needless to say, the three of us became drunk very quickly due to the amount of beer we were consuming in the short amount of time. Oh yes, and the strength of the beer increased with each new beer we tried, so we were pretty much stumbling out of the brewery laughing!! We then proceeded to the pub located on the brewery site and had lunch and another pint of beer! So, drunk by 2pm, passed out by 4pm, and headache by 7pm....but all is well!

The other great part about this story is that we took the tour with a young British couple. At the end of trying all 9 beers they were absolutely fine! They were probably so used to drinking all of that beer that the three of us American girls looked like light-weights! Anyway, it was really fun. My favorite beer of the bunch was the Honey Dew. If you pour it in a glass, cover the glass with your hand, and swirl it around a bit you can really smell the honey. It's very potent, yet so delicious!

Sorry to my mom and dad who are going to read this, but as the saying goes, "When in London, do as the Londoners do." Actually I just made that up, but I thought I'd try!


Parental Units said...

Tsk, tsk. Wave of the finger. Not happy. Do not repeat behavior. Will discuss later.

Anonymous said...

Ah, Bethany. I am so proud of you.

Unknown said...

to be drunk by 2 and passed out by 4... ahhh...what a life... you'll have to teach me how to be a londoner when you get back! ;) LOL--you're parents are hilarious. Tsk, Tsk, Beeboo...tsk, tsk.