Wednesday, August 1, 2007

here it goes again

Well, seeing as how there are still some people (and by some I mean two) who are reading this, I thought I would fearlessly continue my entries (and by fearlessly I mean whenever I can actually remember). Many big things have happened in my life in a very small period of time. When I was younger, I never imagined I would make it to college. I always figured that somehow I would "become" really smart and make it through. College always seemed like a big scary blob in my life that I would one day conquer. When I finally made it to college, I never imagined I would have an actual job, make actual money, and have an actual car (and by actual car I mean not my parent's car or my bf's car). All of these goals seemed so far out of reach, and I figured I would be some super genius by the end of college and everything would just kind of fall into place....somehow.

I have two days down at my new job, a new apartment, and a new car. And while I don't feel like some insanely genius mastermind after college, somehow I managed to do it. I don't know how I did it, but I did it. I feel like I almost have to pinch myself to believe that what I am doing is real. I don't know that I will ever fully grasp my new situation. It is truly surreal. I feel like I have had to completely grow up and turn myself around overnight. I feel like a new person. It is somewhat frightening.