Monday, January 29, 2007


We FINALLY have our internet's still just as slow as ever, but at least it works! So...this weekend I saw The Blue Man Group! It was one of the wierdest, most awesome things I've ever experienced! I don't even know how to describe it properly! I felt that through the whole show I was just sitting there with my mouth open thinking, "Can they really do that?" If you haven't seen them perform, it's well worth it to go. My favorite part of the entire show was an audience participation part. Several rolls of toilet paper folded down from the walls and the audience collectively had to wind the rolls all the way to the stage....I'm not even describing it to its fullest! They had this loud music..."I FEEL LOVE"....and strobe lights going on while the entire audience was unrolling toilet paper to the stage. I looked up at one point and all i saw was a sea of white! Now, I've never taken drugs before, but I'm pretty sure if I ever did...that's what it would be like: Loud music, strobe lights, and people running rolls of toilet paper to three blue men at the front...pretty psychedelic, eh???!!!

Anyway, this theatre that The Blue Man Group performed at just so happens to be right across the street from my internship! I kept walking past it everyday thinking, "I should really go see that Blue Man Group show." Now I am really happy to say that I have! So if you ever want to experience what taking drugs might feel like..without actually taking drugs...go to a Blue Man Group performance!!! You'll totally trip out!

Friday, January 26, 2007

Oh internet, how you mock me...

Unfortunately, our internet has not been working for the past 3 or 4 days in our flat (I am at the CAPA computer lab right now). No one seems to be able to give us any sort of an answer as to when it will be fixed....sadly, I won't be putting anymore pictures up until they can get things up and running again. I know that all of you are SUPER disappointed about this...but have no will all live another day! ;)

However, I'm getting really excited about next weekend.....PARIS BABY!!! So, hopefully after I get back they will have the internet all fixed! Oh yes!! I saw Wicked last night at the Apollo Victoria was SO amazing. This was my third time seeing it (I saw it in NY and MN) and I was still blown away. This musical ranks really high on my scale...almost as high as Phantom of the Opera, which I will be attempting to get tickets for this weekend!

Anyway, I hope things are going well for everyone else! Leave me a message...I love coming on here to check what people have written!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


It's my mom's birthday today! I wish I could fly back home for one day just to celebrate with her! I can't wait for my mom and my dad to come out here and visit will be a blast!!! I miss you guys!

So, if you read this and feel so inclined to post a comment, please give a shout out (or maybe just a "happy birthday" will suffice!) to my mom, Darlene!


Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Monday, January 22, 2007

Ok, I'm really bad at this!

So, I realized that my snapfish link didn't work. After HOURS of hard work and much confusion and trying to figure out how to post photo albums on my blog, I finally figured it out...thanks to Lianne! I'm still working on uploading all of my pictures, but at least everyone should be able to start seeing some photos. I'll have more to say later, but right now I just wanted to apologize for my lack of knowledge in all of this!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

I have pictures for you all!!!

So, I finally got around to uploading my pictures onto my computer and created some albums. I hope you enjoy! On friday we went to Bath and Stonehenge....both were amazing! The day was long and we were all really tired, but we managed to cook dinner and even argue (long story there). Anyway, I went shopping at the Portobello market today with Kelly and Lauren...I'm pretty sure we were in heaven!!! There are so many interesting sights, sounds, and smells! I think this market is going to be our regular Saturday morning thing....not to mention that we found an excellent Thai restaurant nearby. Kelly and I attempted to navigate around Oxford Circus, something which neither of us ever want to do again! There were so many people and the stores were just packed...women were literally tossing shoes around and acting like total animals. I think this was worse than New York if you can imagine that. Lauren was smart and ditched out early before we hit the "circus"....literally. So Kelly and I were absolutely exhausted by the time we got home and pretty much only had enough energy to sit and do homework....I know, I know.

So here is my snapfish website!

I have many other things to say....but I'm SO exhausted right now. I will fill everyone in on more fun and exciting things! *HUGS!!!*

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I feel like the walking dead....

Sorry to all...I have not posted in a while. I have not quite overcome my jet lag...I feel as though I have been awake for a full 48 hours. I don't seem to sleep very well at night, but somehow manage to drag myself around during the day. Things have gotten really crazy around here with classes and internship starting. So far I have had my Intro to Shakespeare class, my PELA class (a night class that accompanies my internship), and my Theatre in London class. I also had my interview for my internship yesterday which went really well...I was back there today working for the first time! Everyone is so nice there and I think they are really excited and relieved for me to be there. I am working on a project involving the diverting schemes that are employed to divert mentally ill people (we are focusing on women mainly) away from the criminal system here in London. We see if the needs of people are being met via interview....then we collect all of our data, enter in the data, then do number crunching!!! Next week I will get to use my mad phone skillz to contact people about these diverting systems....whooo-hoo!!!

So...I have a lot of plans for this weekend. The fun begins on thursday night! As part of the CAPA program, we get to see a show. We are seeing the History Boys, which I've heard great things about. Then on friday we get up bright and early to see Stonehenge and visit Bath (I've been there before...but it was raining the whole time!). Saturday morning I'm going with my friends Kelly, Lauren, and Elise to a market on Portobello is supposed to be the largest antique market! After that we are going to do all of the tourist things you could possibly imagine in London. That will take all of saturday and sunday!


next weekend I am heading to Paris, France with my friends!!!! I am SO excited! We are going to have a total blast! We also have a trip planned in the middle of February for Amsterdam. Then just a short week or so after that, Andy will be here!!!!! He is coming at the end of February to see London for a week....then it's off to Italy for my spring break! Andy and I are going to hit up all the major places in Italy! I am looking forward to Italy, but even more so, I'm just looking forward to Andy coming out here. I can't wait for him to see everything I have seen....not to mention that I REALLY miss him! friends and I have potential plans for Scotland in between visits from my sister and my parents in March! I can't wait for them to come out and visit! It seems as though I will have a constant stream of guests for the month of March. And then....keeping my fingers crossed...Jon and Aimee will come out at the end of March/early April!!! For Easter weekend my friends and I are planning on going to Cambridge and Oxford to watch boat races!!! much fun is one person allowed to have in his or her lifetime??? I feel like I will be maxed out by the time this semester is done!

Well, I'm done babbling for the day...I should at least try to make an attempt at falling asleep! Hope things are going great for everyone else in the states!!!

Friday, January 12, 2007


Today I had my internship orientation. I'm getting really nervous and excited about it. Apparently the site I will be at is a new one for CAPA this semester. Supposedly I will be working on a project with other grad students. I'm not entirely sure about my full duties...I have an interview on Monday! Wish me luck!

After our orientations were all done, the roomies and I decided to head down to Harrods to see it all lit up! This is a picture of Harrods lit up at night! I think it's absolutely awesome and you really need to see it in person! We even took a gander around Harrods, but became overwhelmed by the people and the maze of different department stores. I think we'll leave the shopping for a day when we're ready to devote hours of our lives to rummaging around the sales. However, we did manage to "strut our stuff" while we were poking around Harrods. We were in some section that had all of this high fashion we decided to have a mini runway show! We are totally model material!

This is a picture of me with my roommate Jennifer in front of Harrods. We were totally the typical American tourists posing in front of the store. A lot of people were looking at us....but who cares? I feel like I'm standing next to a model or a celebrity in this picture!!!

After walking around desperately trying to find a pub that would serve us fish n chips, we eventually gave up and settled for Chinese. This is a group picture with the roomies. From the right to the left: Jennifer, Kelly, Elise (yes, she is grabbing herself!), and me!! Hopefully we'll have more great memories like this one!!

Leave me some love!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Oh, the hilarity of it all!

This is our living is probably the largest space we have in our entire apartment. Right now, this is the only area where we can sit and chat comfortably. We are still figuring out where to put our suitcases....we were thinking of possibly making a coffee table out of them!

This is our minuscule kitchen....there is really only enough room for 1 person to stand comfortably and 2 people to stand uncomfortably. Somehow we manage to keep food in here...we have one mini-fridge in the kitchen and two stacked mini-fridges in our living room. What is with these crazy Brits???

This is our cell of a bedroom. As you can see from this picture...we have two bunk beds crammed into a very tiny space. There is barely enough space between the have to turn to the side to walk between them.

This would be the space between our beds. I suppose this at least gives me motivation to stay fit while I'm here!

This is me between our beds....we have a tiny vanity with a tiny closet to the left. I don't know where the 4 of us girls are going to put any of our things. We're all just too tired to figure it out right now. But regardless, I'm pretty sure our bedroom, if not our entire apartment, is one big fire hazard. So if any of you are thinking of something to send me...send me a fire blanket!!!!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I'm finally in London!

Well, after hours of traveling and a 2 hour delay in Minneapolis....I'm finally here! It's wet and dreary as I expected. I'm excited to be here, but right now I'm just too tired to even comprehend my surroundings. Unfortunately, my living conditions are kind of laughable. I live in a flat that was really meant for 1 person, but they thought it would be really cool to shove 4 people in. I honestly have no clue how we are going to fit 4 girls in here, plus clothing, plus suitcases....ugh!

I will post pictures soon...right now I'm just trying to get settled in. I would love to hear from any and all of you!

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

And a happy new year it was...

Aimee....the fire-eater!


Aimee being her usual peppy self!

Jon is cool with it though

The morning after...