Sunday, March 25, 2007

Let's Dance

Ah, it's a lovely semi-spring day in London today! I say "semi" because it keeps going in and out of being sunny and being completely overcast. Well, that's London for you I guess. Today has been the first day that I have taken to just lounge about. I did have plans to go to some museums today, but after not being able to get rid of a headache, I decided I would stay in today. OH MAN has it been nice! I've propped myself on our couch and have been working on homework all day long! Since coming to London, I've really forgotten the true meaning and pleasure of lounging about. In just about one month I will be returning home from this crazy adventure of mine. I'm sad at the thought of leaving, but jumping at the thought of being home with my friends. I really feel like I'm ready to get back into things. Being in London has been like one big vacation. I sometimes forget that I'm actually here for school! I've also been reading like a complete mad woman....and I'm not talking about academic books! I've been reading books that I want to read! I've already read 7 books and 4 plays while being out here. I'm lucky if I can even get through half of one book that I want to read in a given semester. I feel like I've completely rediscovered my love of books. If I could be a professional reader, I would definitely take the job! Anyone hiring?!?

So, an interesting thing happened at our flat last night. Our electricity went out! Not just our electricity, but the entire block!!! Well, the fire trucks began to arrive and they started putzing around. Our power was still not on when the trucks began to leave!!!! We sat in darkness for two hours!!!! I was only annoyed by this because that meant that I wouldn't have light to read my book!!! I didn't even care about my computer or television...I just wanted to read!!!

Seriously, if anyone is willing to hire me as a professional reader, I'm down with it!


Unknown said...

Lawyers read a lot! You're set!

Good to hear you are getting some lounge time in.

Talk to you soon!!

wind-up-bird said...
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Anonymous said...

Awesome, man! You want to take over my place in grad school?

Anonymous said...

Stand aside! You find that "professional reader" job opening and you'll have to get in line behind me. Words are the world's best drug and the price for addiction is small (generally nothing more than eyestrain).

Enjoy your lounge -- the museums will still be there tomorrow.


Unknown said...

I am jealous... I wish I had the time, aka, made more time to read. you need a little battery operated book light for emergencies! :)

I am starting a countdown! :) 29 days!