Friday, February 9, 2007

Little Lotte let her mind wander....

I saw the most amazing production of The Phantom of the Opera last night!!! I've seen this musical multiple times before, but I have to say that, hands down, this was the best one I have ever seen (yes, it even beats out the Broadway production!)!!!! I'm pretty sure I heard the best phantom ever....his voice was absolutely amazing and he would have given Michael Crawford a run for his money. Our tickets were slightly on the pricey side (46.50 GBP) and we were sitting on the second level of the balcony, but they turned out to be really great seats and it just so happened that the quality of the show was freaking awesome!

That was only one great part of my day yesterday....It all started out with an early morning birthday phone call from a friend from back home (it was so nice to hear another familiar voice!)!! I went to my Criminal London class where we proceeded to learn about Jack the Ripper!!! I was very excited about this!!!! Did you know there was a potential Jill the Ripper?!? During my class break I went over to Paul's, a yummy French bakery down the street, and got a chocoloate croissant and a hot chocolate...SO GOOD!!!!! After class I was supposed to go to my internship, but because it was snowing here I called my supervisor's boss to make sure people were able to get to work. She had found out that it was my birthday and told me to take the day off!!!

It was SO nice!!! I just relaxed and read my book....then later in the evening we went to the show. After the show we were all completely starving so we headed back to Earl's Court (near our flat) and ate at an Indian restaurant. It was SOOOOO delicious and I absolutely just love Indian food so I pretty much felt like I was in heaven. After we stuffed ourselves on Indian goodness we came back to our flat to break out the champagne. However, before that, my friends had another thing in mind....they brought out a chocolate cake with candles and sang happy birthday to me!!!!!! It was the sweetest thing ever and I really felt like I was at home surrounded by some good friends! So we stuffed ourselves AGAIN on chocolate cake and champagne....then we all proceeded to pass out!

So, all in all, I couldn't have asked for a better birthday! Thanks for all of the little messages from people throughout the day...they made me feel more at home!!!! HUGS!!!!

p.s. I posted some pictures from yesterday's festivities!!!


pumpkin29 said...

Yay, you found Paul's bakeries! they are the yummiest things - every single thing there is great, but particularly the cakes and the baguettes. Yum yum yum.



Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun! Save some hot chocolate room for Venice!!

The pictures look like you had a great time!

Anonymous said...

Yay!! I'm so happy you had such an awesome birthday! Congratulations on turning another year older---and, if I may say so, more charming. I can't wait to come and see you. And to eat at Paul's. God that stuff is delicious.

Love you, little dude!

Delnai said...

Hey cousin! I'm so jealous... I love Phantom of the Opera! All they have here in Budapest is normal boring opera. On the other hand, yesterday I heard a great metal version of PotO.

Happy birthday, and we'll have to see about visiting you. Are you still going to be around in early May?


Unknown said...

You're Precious!