Monday, January 29, 2007


We FINALLY have our internet's still just as slow as ever, but at least it works! So...this weekend I saw The Blue Man Group! It was one of the wierdest, most awesome things I've ever experienced! I don't even know how to describe it properly! I felt that through the whole show I was just sitting there with my mouth open thinking, "Can they really do that?" If you haven't seen them perform, it's well worth it to go. My favorite part of the entire show was an audience participation part. Several rolls of toilet paper folded down from the walls and the audience collectively had to wind the rolls all the way to the stage....I'm not even describing it to its fullest! They had this loud music..."I FEEL LOVE"....and strobe lights going on while the entire audience was unrolling toilet paper to the stage. I looked up at one point and all i saw was a sea of white! Now, I've never taken drugs before, but I'm pretty sure if I ever did...that's what it would be like: Loud music, strobe lights, and people running rolls of toilet paper to three blue men at the front...pretty psychedelic, eh???!!!

Anyway, this theatre that The Blue Man Group performed at just so happens to be right across the street from my internship! I kept walking past it everyday thinking, "I should really go see that Blue Man Group show." Now I am really happy to say that I have! So if you ever want to experience what taking drugs might feel like..without actually taking drugs...go to a Blue Man Group performance!!! You'll totally trip out!


Anonymous said...

Drugs are bad, mmkay? Don't do drugs, because drugs are bad, mmmkay? The Blue Man Group is like drugs, mmmkay? So you shouldn't do drugs, because drugs are bad, mmmkay?

Unknown said...

OMG! You are hilarious! I love reading your blogs--its a story everyday and they are so Bethany! :) I was tripped out reading today's blog! :) I miss you!! Hope you are doing well!!

Unknown said...

OMG--is that a new bag?? Can I get a close up of that one?? And shoes--I can't see your shoes?? :)


studes said...

I believe you mean "roles" of toilet paper. Yes, I once played Toilet Paper on stage, though I preferred the French pronunciation. Sure, it wasn't glamorous, but I was on stage, baby. How many people can say that?

I'm sorry. Did you mention drugs?

Uncle Dave