Sorry to all...I have not posted in a while. I have not quite overcome my jet lag...I feel as though I have been awake for a full 48 hours. I don't seem to sleep very well at night, but somehow manage to drag myself around during the day. Things have gotten really crazy around here with classes and internship starting. So far I have had my Intro to Shakespeare class, my PELA class (a night class that accompanies my internship), and my Theatre in London class. I also had my interview for my internship yesterday which went really well...I was back there today working for the first time! Everyone is so nice there and I think they are really excited and relieved for me to be there. I am working on a project involving the diverting schemes that are employed to divert mentally ill people (we are focusing on women mainly) away from the criminal system here in London. We see if the needs of people are being met via interview....then we collect all of our data, enter in the data, then do number crunching!!! Next week I will get to use my mad phone skillz to contact people about these diverting systems....whooo-hoo!!!
So...I have a lot of plans for this weekend. The fun begins on thursday night! As part of the CAPA program, we get to see a show. We are seeing the History Boys, which I've heard great things about. Then on friday we get up bright and early to see Stonehenge and visit Bath (I've been there before...but it was raining the whole time!). Saturday morning I'm going with my friends Kelly, Lauren, and Elise to a market on Portobello is supposed to be the largest antique market! After that we are going to do all of the tourist things you could possibly imagine in London. That will take all of saturday and sunday!
next weekend I am heading to Paris, France with my friends!!!! I am SO excited! We are going to have a total blast! We also have a trip planned in the middle of February for Amsterdam. Then just a short week or so after that, Andy will be here!!!!! He is coming at the end of February to see London for a week....then it's off to Italy for my spring break! Andy and I are going to hit up all the major places in Italy! I am looking forward to Italy, but even more so, I'm just looking forward to Andy coming out here. I can't wait for him to see everything I have seen....not to mention that I REALLY miss him! friends and I have potential plans for Scotland in between visits from my sister and my parents in March! I can't wait for them to come out and visit! It seems as though I will have a constant stream of guests for the month of March. And then....keeping my fingers crossed...Jon and Aimee will come out at the end of March/early April!!! For Easter weekend my friends and I are planning on going to Cambridge and Oxford to watch boat races!!! much fun is one person allowed to have in his or her lifetime??? I feel like I will be maxed out by the time this semester is done!
Well, I'm done babbling for the day...I should at least try to make an attempt at falling asleep! Hope things are going great for everyone else in the states!!!